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Knights of Columbus Archdiocese of  Boston Chapter

470 Washington St.
Suite #6
Norwood, MA 02062



The Archdiocese of Boston Chapter of the Knights of Columbus was established in 1902 with its primary function being providing help to underprivileged children in the Archdiocese of Boston. 
Each year, the Chapter sponsors a "Day in the Country" which is funded by donations from members and Councils in the Archdiocese of Boston through our annual Red Stocking Drive.

The Chapter also provides funding for children and family events sponsored by non-profit agencies. This has been our mission, and one which continues today, but only with the continued support of our members.

The Annual Red Stocking Drive is our major fundraiser of the fraternal year, and you can be certain that, with the exception of the cost of the mailing, every penny that is contributed goes directly to charity to assist those less fortunate among us. Donations may be made online by clicking here.

The Knights of Columbus places the virtue of charity foremost among our
principles. So, too, is the virtue of unity. It is our hope that through the
continuing combined generosity of all our Brother Knights, the
Boston Chapter will be able to further our mission of aiding needy children,
and charities which support them. Below are listed just some of the charities that we support and we ask for your prayers that our mission will be a success.

Membership in the Boston Chapter is open to any Council located within the Archdiocese of Boston. Each member Council is welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly meetings and participate in the business of the Chapter and as the need arises request funds for a worthy child or family related endeavor.
The annual dues for each Council is $40.00. Each Council is entitled to be represented at the Chapter's meetings.
Here are just some of the organizations that the Boston Chapter
has been able to assist through the generosity of our members:

All Saint’s Food Pantry - Haverhill
Boston Catholic Television
Boston Police Area C Children’s Christmas Party
Bread of Life – Malden
Camp Allen
Camp Fatima
Catholic Action League of Massachusetts
Catholic Charities
Christmas in the City
Condon School Children’s Christmas Party
Dorchester Special Olympics
Friends of the Unborn
Germantown Youth Center
Good Shepherd
Grace and Hope Missions
Kennedy Donovan Center
The Laboure Center
Lawrence Youth Center
Life Teen (Saint Mary’s – Dedham)
Little House
Massachusetts Special Olympics
May’s Home for Children
Mission Safe
Missionary Sisters of Mercy
Professional Center for Child Development - Andover
Quincy Teen Mothers
Riley’s Walk
Sacred Heart Food Pantry – Roslindale
Sacred Heart Youth Center – Middleboro
Sacred Hearts Parish
Saint Francis Parish
Saint Patrick’s Parish
Saint Paul’s Archdiocesan Choir
Saint William’s Parish
Sisters of Saint Joseph
